What if this were your photo... You posted an adorable photo of your grandparents. You didn't intend it for marketing or sales purposes. It was just a sweet photo that was super cool. Then a year later you find out it was screenshot, printed on canvas, and sold for 100k, and there was nothing you can do.
Just something to consider as the laws play catch up with technology... But seriously... Read this link!
(PS if your name is still available as a domain, buy it).
Big Fish Ideas Website
Who Owns a Post?
marketing marketing content soaicl marketing Social marketing
Who owns a post? I am fascinated by the legal gymnastics this article presents.
I have a baton twirling site and watch as lots and lots of the photos that appear in my newsfeed have watermarks seemingly ignored by the people posting. But this article goes even further.
There is an art exhibit created with Instagram photos "modified slightly" then printed to canvas. Several have sold at the $90,000 mark.
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