Saturday: Try This! Can you charge extra for air? Yesterday I received a box from Amazon. Inside was the ink cartridge I ordered… and air pillows. OK, I have no idea what they’re called. Not bubble wrap… but those large pillows of air trapped in plastic that are no fun to pop. Well, I was […]
Saturday: Try This! The third week in July, every summer, if you visit the city of South Bend, Indiana you will be at the heart of baton twirling in the United States. The National Baton Championships happen every summer during that week at Notre Dame University… I spent 9 summers as a competitor and several […]
“Toot your own horn” Saturday: Try This! Ever used your computer and had the “blue screen of death” instantly appear? How about you open your email and have 3,000 unread emails in 15 minutes? Yeah… it’s no fun to have computer problems. It’s one of those moments you bring your computer into the “fix it” […]
Saturday Try This! Sometimes the best ideas are super simple! In all fairness, I got this idea from a marina training I attended last fall… but it’s so outstanding. We have many services that are contract based for our business. Now imagine this, you can make this big purchase and simply sign. OR You can […]
Saturday Try This! Sometimes the best ideas are super simple! In all fairness, I got this idea from a marina training I attended last fall… but it’s so outstanding. We have many services that are contract based for our business. Now imagine this, you can make this big purchase and simply sign. OR You can […]