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Episode #452 – A Shopping Destination!

6- Saturday - Try This! branding Business owner motivation Creative hand sanitizer make shopping an experience marketing Real world Small Business owner motivation Success tips

Saturday: Try This

Tonight I walked out to close our gas dock.  This involves making sure that the pumps are locked and that our storage cabinet is also locked.  Well… I opened the cabinet and there was that recognizable smell… not gas… hand sanitizer!

That reminded me of this great idea!

When you offer convenience items for your customers make it into a great experience. Be intentional.  Just like the garden shop I visited recently.

They have the cardboard containers stacked in a wrought iron holder.  The cardboard has the logo of the company on it.  They also have a matching wrought iron holder for the hand sanitizer. This is next to the shopping carts at the front of the store.

These details help with the branding of the company. It creates an impression for your customer.

Sure you could have a pile of cardboard boxes next to the carts – but making this a carefully crafted destination in your store enhances your customer experience!

Try this!

Tomorrow… come back for “The Week in Review”!
PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! start here

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