Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes difference.”
Thursday: Infinity Customer
Get outside of your comfort zone. Remember this! You need to get out of your comfort zone, well… every once in a while.
I’ll explain it like this.
While you goal is to create one tribe. One group of people united by a common purpose or bond. Your goal can get in your way.
Here’s how.
You need to provide information that your tribe desires and although it’s one tribe it’s a mass of individuals! The individuals all have their own little mini-tribes of interest in you.
I’ll use my Facebook page for the boat yard as an example. I enjoy posting photos of sunsets. Why? They’re pretty! They also have great interaction.
However, when I post a photo of a storm blowing across the lake, I also get interaction, it’s often a different segment that “likes” it.
What’s even more fun is when I post a story about our forklift… that brings an even different segment of interactions.
I don’t think the forklift lovers dislike the sunsets or vice versa, I just think it evokes a different sense of belonging. But you know what… belonging is what we are striving for in creating the Infinity Marketing Machine.
Creating forklift posts is a little out of my comfort zone… or at least it’s not as easy as a sunset photo. But you, just like me, needs a mix of topics to talk about!
Strive to create belonging by posting different “types” of stories for your tribe. Soon you’ll notice different follower mini-tribes! It’s a great strategy to build loyalty and turn the “one and done” customer into an “Infinity Customer”.
Tomorrow come back for Big Money Small Change Day! PS: Like my vibe? Join my tribe! start here!
Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!