Quote “You’ll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you, only by someone doing less.” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Jealousy is a creepy sneaky thing. Just when you think you understand and recognize it… it shows up and BOOM catches you off guard. Well, today’s inspiration is hidden jealousy. But seriously, have […]
Grab my free guide: The 5 C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine “When you wake up and need a nap.” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation HA! How do you like today’s motivation? I’m a little tired, so no worms for me, right? WRONG! Here’s the deal, quit trying to be someone you are not. If you […]
“Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: ‘Are you ready?'” Johnny Carson Wednesday: Midweek Motivation So are you ready? I think you’re reading my blog because you are ready. You may not feel ready. But […]
“It’s all about finding the calm in Chaos.” – Donna Karan Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Happy Halloween! I decided not to go with a “spooky” inspiration and instead focus on the chaos… well the calm in the chaos! That should give you a little insight into my past couple days. I launched a new site […]
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” Benjamin Franklin Wednesday: Midweek Motivation I’m back to Ben! I found this inspiration and thought… it’s a must share. It’s amazing how awesome Benjamin Franklin’s advice is and how it’s stood the test of time. I hope 300 years from now I’ll be remembered for saying […]