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ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode #479 – Out of the Fire.

3- Wednesday - Midweek Motivation Business owner motivation DoingInfinity go time goals marketing planning for being overwhelmed Real world small business owner advice Success tips unstressing

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday: Midweek Motivation

I’m back to Ben!  I found this inspiration and thought… it’s a must share.  It’s amazing how awesome Benjamin Franklin’s advice is and how it’s stood the test of time.  I hope 300 years from now I’ll be remembered for saying something brilliant.

OK, if you ever have that feeling where you’re completely overwhelmed, you know the feeling, you’re angry, short tempered, and you can’t figure out what to do.  Well, when this happens (again), just stop.

Take a deep breath.

My favorite way to organize is to start chunking down the big problem. The only way to do this is with a clear mind.  I know, I know… this seems obvious, but you’re reading this and you’re not in the middle of big unorganized out of control mess.

Annnnnnd that makes this the perfect time to talk about this!

At the marina we do fire/emergency response training.  We practice “what we would do” in the event something happens.  Why?  Well, when you have a fully engulfed fire in front of you that is NOT the time to practice… that’s “go” time.  Same thing happens when you’re super stressed out and overwhelmed. That’s not the time to practice what you would do… you’re in “go” time

So take my silly little piece of advice:  Overwhelmed = stop and breathe.  You’ve got to break your pattern so you can figure out your new path to success.


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