Quote: “Work harder on yourself, than you do on your job.” JRohn Wednesday: Midweek Motivation What good are you if you are sick? Not good at all. This is one thing that is the hardest thing to understand! I watched a “live” yesterday – and the gal sells a bunch of stuff. She’s an […]
Quote: “Life always offers you a second chance. It is called tomorrow.” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Goals happen via a plan… so when the plan is interrupted, you quit. Right? Wrong! You adjust and keep going. I know, that’s super simplistic but don’t give up on the big goal. You may have set backs and […]
Quote: Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation What’s that big, huge, seemingly unreachable goal that you have? Don’t want to say because it seems unrealistic…. It’s OK to think that it’s “too big” or that […]
Quote: “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Have you ever made a list of all the things you want to do before you die? How about goal setting? Have you ever set a goal and even created a plan for your journey to achieve the […]
Quote: “Don’t rush into procrastinating.” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation OK – I’m in a sneaky silly mood with today’s post. But what ever you do… don’t rush into procrastinating! You’ve got to ease into it. And this topic makes me wonder if your goal is procrastination… can you actually achieve it? I mean the act […]