Quote: “You’ll never change the world if you’re worried about being liked.”- Robin Sharma Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Everyone wants to be liked. Admit it. If given the choice between being liked and being not liked, you’d choose liked. But if you want to change the world you cannot please everyone. It’s impossible. You may […]
Quote: “Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement” – Matt Biondi Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Last week I talked about taking the high road. Sometimes its tougher than others… well my saga has continued now or over a week. It’s getting better… I think. BUT… this is when you just have to jump in with […]
Quote: Want to avoid the crowd? Always take the high road. Wednesday: Midweek Motivation It’s easy to yell back. It’s easy to put someone down. But it takes some serious skill to rise above the ugly. Some days are harder at your business than others… Let’s use the example of online reviews to illustrate how […]
Quote: “Just because they didn’t, doesn’t mean you can’t” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation There’s a lot of ways to make money, traditionally it involves selling something that someone else wants. The part that’s become radically different is the how. I had a very interesting conversation with one of our customers today. He spoke of his […]
Quote: “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” ~ John Dryde Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Today is your habit forming chance to make a difference. I’ve learned that habits make all the difference in my ability to “level up”. This blog is a great example, I’d love for you to get […]