Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “Your speed doesn’t matter forward is forward”
Gosh. This weekend I was joking with our crew and we all decided to end 2020 and start 2021.
Why not?!
We had a ball drop and everything. We are so over 2020.
The funny thing is, it’s June. AND it’s been a very slow go to now. But I don’t have to tell any of you that!
I’ve caught myself describing my day to day activities like this. I’m running in quick sand. Now here’s the thing… I keep going forward.
But going forward is important! You need to set a goal and you need to keep moving toward it. Because, here’s the mind bending thought… if you stop going forward and your competition continues to go forward, you’ll actually end up going backward!
Yes, think of two people running in a race. They are heading toward the finish line… and one keeps running, the other stops… the progress actually goes backward because the gap grows!
No matter how difficult the task at hand, keep going. I have had a hard time being consistent during these last couple days… but I’m very happy I’ve kept going.
It’s not posting for irrelevant reasons, I know that by continually putting content “out there” helps to keep you on track. And that’s the lesson. You are not creating content for you – you are creating it for your audience, it’s important to share information that your tribe finds valuable. Do it for them!
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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