Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “The key ingredient to a better content experience is relevance” ~Jason Miller
It’s May… you finally get around to posting the photo of the visit from santa. You say, “yep, santa was fantastic.”
No one gives you a thumbs up… right?!?!
It’s the end of May and you post about Mother’s Day! Again, nothing. No thumbs up.
While in early December, the photo of Santa will be received well, May is not the time for Christmas… unless you’re the Hallmark Channel. (Roll eyes)
It’s the same reaction as when you post Mother’s Day photos at the end of May. It’s just not relevant.
Your best received posts are relevant. I know it’s a simple idea, but sometimes it’s slightly complicated in the execution.
For example, in the marina industry, there are many types of water.
I know, that seems bizarre, but choosing the wrong type in a photo will affect sales. Our marina is on a northern inland freshwater lake. So if I show a landscape of white sand beaches and palm trees it has no relevance to my customers.
They see palm trees and aqua waters leaving them thinking of vacations and not Minnesota.
True story… I had a print shop create a brochure for me. They were located in Florida and it made me laugh when the first design came through with ocean blue water in the photos!
Yesterday’s blog was about choosing images that represent your actual services. For example showing a hotel room that doesn’t represent your actual accommodations forms a disconnect with your guests.
The same thing happens when you create an irrelevant post. It’s easy to “farm out” your social media to a company – but the information they create might not be the best option for your business, after all, if a body of water’s color can affect sales… imagine what types of wrong things can be created for your business branding if an outsider takes over your messaging.
It’s best to create your own posts and make them relevant. So the strange thing is, thanks to Hallmark’s Christmas Promotion on Friday’s, a Mother’s Day post in May can be irrelevant while a Christamas post in May can be timely!
Who Knew!
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Tuesday – Content & Consistency
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