Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “When you work on your content marketing strategy, your priority is not to sell but to build trust.”
What is your posting strategy? Do you wake up and just post what ever comes to mind, or do you plan out your month in advance?
Likely you wing it and just post something that happens.
That’s OK but let’s level up that game.
If the thought of planning a month in advance drive you into a panic. It does for me. I simply cannot get enough of a window to sit down and crank out several posts all at once… SO… this is how I do it.
I create programming.
Look at the bottom of this post and every post and you will see my Monday to Sunday programming agenda.
If you come here on a Wednesday you expect to see a Motivational post.
If you come here on Saturday you’ll see something from the real world…
And on a Tuesday? Well today you’ll get a topic related to the importance of Content or Consistency in your content marketing strategy.
Here’s the unintended consequence of creating a programming schedule… it keeps you on track.
So while you might not be able to crank a months worth of meaningful content in one 3 hour sitting… you can create a programming schedule and daily write about a specific topic. This builds trust by creating consistent content in topics you customer want!
What are great topics?
Well, think about your profit centers. For the marina we have people that store their boats with us, people that use our boat club boats for the entire summer, and people that visit for a day cruise.
These three groups want different things. People that own boats want information on maintaining the boat properly. People that use a boat for the summer may want information on how to drive better, and those visiting the day may want to know what to bring on a boat.
Well… here’s the funny thing, everyone wants information on how to enjoy our lake. But many that are taking long term boat club memberships are also thinking of becoming boaters so the maintenance items are useful… just like what to bring on a boat can help the boat owner.
Create your programming
Boat maintenance
Weekend Activities
Tips and Hints
Fishing spots
Photos from the lake
History of the Marina
Week in Review
That’s seven topics that would be pretty easy to sit down and write a topic. Always do a week in review it gives you one day that is very simple and super useful to your group. The week in review makes a perfect blog to email to stay in touch with your tribe.
This is about creating consistent content your tribe wants!
Now it’s your turn.
Think about each profit center you have and ask what do the customers want or need to know from you… then create the programming topic you can write about.
You’ll never be stuck for a topic again because you have the overall theme for the day… this doesn’t mean every post will be amazing, but it does mean that you’ll always stay “on topic”.
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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