Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “Shifting customer needs are common in today’s marketplace.” — SGraffius
What do your customers need? Heck… who knows anymore, right?!?
Well, I’d say ask them.
I’ve experienced a week of people “yelling” at us for anything from prices being too high, to being full and not having room, to not sharing employee bathrooms when great bathrooms for customers are open and available.
What is going on?
People are very frustrated. And it’s best to recognize this now. So yes, our prices have gone up but it’s actually the appearance they have gone up. We are social distancing and as such we are not able to invite over 200 people to the marina to take a pontoon on the lake… the problem stems from the number of people we can allow on board BUT more important, it’s the number of people on shore!
What visual would we create by allowing 200+ people going from cars to boats and back within a few hours? I don’t think it would be great…
As a result we have cut our fleet in half and we are doing our best to keep up. But people are “cranky” – I actually had someone write a negative review today… Three years ago he visited our marina and the price was $99… now we don’t have that.
Well… at what point are you allowed to raise prices?
You can raise prices anytime you desire. We actually restructured our product and the product from 3 years ago doesn’t exist.
Yet… people only see us as a price, not a value. We need to get to the value of the product and that’s where I think we all need to go.
You will never be successful in “the race to the bottom”. The race to the bottom is when you undercut your competition for price.
However, when you compete on value you will win… so that’s what we are doing. We are offering a package – a boat, gas, ladder… etc. The next step is to talk about the memories, photos, enjoyment they’ll receive by being at our marina.
Now, will this work? I don’t know, but I do know this, the prices from three years ago will not be returning soon and no one can be expected to continue with pricing that doesn’t make sense.
So it’s time to find out what your customers want AND figure out how to make money by offering this want but deliver it with value.
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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