Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “Work Smart Not Hard”
How can you work smart? This is almost like asking which came first the chicken or egg…right?
Everyone wants to work easier or smarter or whateverer… Ha! I’m back to making up words.
But it’s true. We all want to get our work done, but let me tell you something, as you think ahead to a life of sunshine and roses… the path to get there may be super bumpy and yukky.
I know for what I speak.
There’s a little motto I’ve learned to live by and it has to do with stopping bad decisions for the sake of convenience. Oh gosh, it’s so easy to sit back and continue to “band-aid” the problem.
Look at your computer or phone. Have you ever “stuck” with the old program or old phone because you know the difficulty it takes to change to an upgraded model…right?!?!
I’m so guilty of this. I hate HATE trying to update my phone or buy a new program because you know they’ve changed things around and it’s “hard” to learn…
But tonight I got an interesting compliment from my crew member. She said, “dang” I didn’t know you could make a web page in one evening… shake my head… it took an hour. haha
However, thinking back to that statement – all I did was take about 5 years of knowledge and made it look super easy.
At our family business we have a boat club and we have a “day of” phone in program for reservations – but our members have gotten, hummmmm “aggressive” with our crew answering the phones.
SO tonight I said, “the heck with it” and in a hour made a computer webpage they can visit with a new domain.
Again, my crew member was mezmorized that I could do the whole thing so quick. But she has not experience my VERY bumpy journey to get to the point of knowledge that allowed me to make the site in an hour.
This is what you want with your business and, in particular, your content.
It’s hard to write and create content for your website… but once you jump in and make the system easy – whether it’s by using a FAQ page that you can link back to with daily posts…
Or you create quotes in social squares…
Or maybe you create a week long programming framework that you can fill in on a daily basis, week after week after week… what ever your plan.
Make one!
You need to find the way to make that content creation easier… this should be fun and rewarding.
Once you get the system down – the rest falls into place, rather nicely!
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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