Monday Topic: Credibility —
Quote: “Learning is far more valuable than education.”
With Easter yesterday… I was writing this post and thought, which came first the chicken or egg…
Get it… since often Easter is associated with a chick in a half egg shell.
Well, Subject Matter Expert also has it’s own chicken/egg scenario.
You need a platform to share your expertise but you need expertise to get a platform.
Crazy right?
You may think that since you don’t know “anything” that it’s hard to position yourself as the expert… or worse, you see your industry leaders chatting away as authorities and three you are thinking that you’ve got “nothing” to offer.
I’ve got a little insight for you… you have plenty to offer. Especially to your audience.
You need to start chatting on YOUR platforms.
If you have a social media feed, start posting your thoughts and opinions about things that matter to your customers.
This will build your strength with your tribe.
At the same time continue to learn and explore the resources you have access to via magazines, websites, and even videos.
Right now you’ve attracted customers and they seek you out as an authority… they didn’t go to that person you consider a leader of the industry. They came to you. You are the leader in their eyes.
Don’t sell yourself short, you are the leader of your tribe. It’s fun when you think of it drilled down. You are able to make a difference in the lives of your customers. After all, when you seek advice, you are actually looking for the person to solve your problem, whether they are the top person in the world is not necessarily the most important thing to you at that moment.
Just remember that!
Here are some good ways to boost your strength as a Subject Matter Expert:
1-Be genuine – authenticity is critical to trust.
2- Make Decisions – when you are a decision maker you boost your credibility.
3- Test and Try Your Ideas – when they work you’ll get a boost, when they don’t you’ll learn.
4- Participate and Lead on Social Media – get your voice out there, even on just your own platforms to strengthen your following.
5- Build Your Knowledge Foundation by Continuing to Learn – never stop learning, read magazines and keep up with industry trends. Try following different groups online to stay in touch.
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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