“Right now your vision has not changed, but your mission, or the way you accomplish your vision, has changed.” DJones
The crazy thing is, right now, you are presented with an opportunity. Granted, it’s probably one you did not anticipate, expect, and a month ago you did not want… but here it is, so what do you do?
You’ve got a choice, complain and be frozen… or fight and be numb.
So pick, complain or fight… and fight meaning attack the problem. And frozen or numb… frozen meaning you can’t take action.
I like this pairing up of alternatives because leaders will be developed in this time. You are the leader of your business, but many business are shut down leaving little opportunity to make money.
Well, one amazing example is from the Disney Food Blog I follow on YouTube. I’m not a foodie, and really their channel has grown to be about exciting things to do and see at Disney World.
Disney World… that place that’s closed right now. I know this because that ONE time of year I can go on vacation, the park closed. What are the odds? I mean honestly, I booked my trip in October… rarely do I every plan more than 3 weeks in advance, I planned 6 months in advance… and BOOM.
But they have an entire YouTube Channel on Disney with their mission to put a couple videos out a week… that is completely turning your business upside down. The thing you focus on is closed.
You know what they’re doing… things that are open during the shut down… things that you need to know about refunds… things that are happening to the cast members… how to still get your Disney entertainment at home… they are leading.
Leading is finding the thing you CAN do. Restaurants have closed but now focus on take out. Tonight I sat in a drive through line of 12 cars, prior to the shutdown, I never saw more than two in the drive through… they are leading.
Your doors are shut, but you can learn a skill to sell on line. I noticed today that our traffic increased. Finally. It’s been a month, but there is FINALLY interest in our services. But you know what else I did today. I spent 6 hours learning a new skill on Facebook Ads.
If I hear one more thing about people being bored at home when you could spend the time learning SOMETHING… or selling SOMETHING. You have an entire house full of clutter… sell it. Go on Ebay or Etsy… This is your chance!
Work out… eat better… so many options! Stop reading social media posts (except this blog – haha)
Have you ever been so overwhelmed and thought, “if only I had time to learn, do, or clean _____?” — Over and Over! But people are online, complaining about something the neighbors are doing.
Do like the Disney Blog… their main focus of their blog CLOSED but they are still producing content.
Find the thing you’ve wanted to learn and go to Udemy… they’ll have a class. My mom’s next class is a beginner course to Ipad. Then she can go shopping and I can pick up at the store for her.
Leading in these times is what your customers need most. Communicate with them. Share your thoughts. Just let them know what you’re doing!
But most important make a choice to use your time wisely.
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

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