Where is that elephant? Yep, today’s inspiration is one of my favorite types of inspirational quotes. It’s no different from the “how do you eat an elephant?… one bite at a time” quote.
You’ve got to break things down. If you look at the one big task it will overwhelm you! But if you plan a journey that distant goal will be closer than you think.
What are small steps?
It’s looking at your business, right now, and deciding where you want to be in a time frame. It’s the combination of goal setting and thinking big. Make sure to grab my free download on how to break things down… When you do, you’ll learn that if you want to earn an extra $500 a month… break it down. Sell something where you earn $25 each. Then divide $500 by 25 and that’s just 20 units a month. Just sell 20 “things” every month. Would an extra $500 a month make a difference? What happens if you sell 40 “things” a month… yep, $1,000!
Remember there’s a bunch that happens in the course of selling 20 or 40 “things” a month… for example, you need the “thing” and the “thing” needs to profit $25 – but it’s possible. It’s much more realistic to say, my goal is to sell 60 units a month at $25 profit to make $1,500 a month to pay for my rent. Goal, outcome, and realistic path! Imagine if you could buy a different car… the $400 car payment is really 16 units a month. (Read my download)
HOW do you do this? It takes work! There was a time, about 15 years ago, that you put one ad in the Sunday paper and you hoped for the best. The bad news is marketing is much more diversified and one ad in a paper no longer works. However, the good news is marketing is much more diversified and works better! I agree when the “experts” say, the money is in your list. You need your own “following” of people that are fans. People that love your business! These are the people you continue to nurture with information about your business and industry. You stay in regular touch with them via social media marketing and you provide value to them on a consistent basis. It is after you provide value that this “list” becomes profitable. When the list is profitable, Marketing is THE Profit Center.
PS: if you love my post, give it a “like” and hit that follow button!
Action Step
1- What is one thing you really want to do or buy or succeed at? Write it down!
2- Break the path to success into manageable pieces… and start!
3- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
Listen to Episode #140 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast
Love this inspirational quote? View it on a 12″ x 12″ Canvas “Social Square” wall hanging!
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