Day Two.
I’ve got my Gnome notebook… I’ve got my black eye… No really! My black eye is healing. I forgot to mention that one yesterday. Back story: the day I left for Social Media Marketing World I was teaching a 3 baton lesson. I’m a coach in real life too! I competed for 17 years and the last black eye I had was in 8th grade so this isn’t common. Look at my photo from yesterday’s post – you’ll see it, I had three layers of “grandma concealer” on that bad boy, but when a baton hits you in the face there’s nothing you can do! For the most part, it was “ok”, it didn’t hurt (that much) — I guess I was channeling my inner Marcia! Remember that Brady Bunch episode with Marcia and the football! Yeah, makes me laugh too. But nice timing, eh? Thank you to the kind flight attendant on Sun Country Airlines that gave me an ice pack.
Back to my journey, I grabbed my Gnome Book full of notes and treasures from Social Media Marketing World , my note sheet from yesterday, and I started answering a bunch of questions that guided me down a path of introspect. What are my strengths and what are my weaknesses. I like coaching, motivating and marketing. I’m good at these. So this blog makes total sense. My weakness is consistency. That’s the goal here. I’ll continue to write my story to help benefit you as I ask you to do some of the same things. It will also help me develop my consistency… so like this post to motivate me (please!)!
Now it’s your turn… Start with your own business. What are you good at and what needs some help? Come up with a list of 5 or 6 for each topic. It will really help you focus when you can clarify these two lists. Besides, writing a giant list of what you’re good at makes you feel good too. When you get that done, go on to our number two task which is…
Determine what your customer is really looking for from you. I think it’s fair to say that most of the small businesses that read this blog are looking to make more money with creative marketing ideas. My goal is to level this up and get YOU to start sharing your ideas. I’ve been fortunate to travel around and come across fun and creative tips, but opening it up to all of you will really share the news and increase the creativity of the whole group. (hang with me… I have a plan that I’ll announce soon ) So now it’s your turn to sit down and really determine, what are your customers looking for and how can you best serve that void. The more detailed the better, but your core mission should only take a few words.
Finally, a big area of my planning on day two involved crafting a content marketing mission statement. Read that again, a content marketing mission statement. What the heck?!? Yes. For your online marketing to be successful you must determine what you are going to produce content for that your audience will like and respond to. Well… since I’m creating content for small businesses that will help them increase sales, that means my content marketing will really focus on the ideas and creativity that small business need to tweak their marketing! If you determine what you’re good at and what your customers want, then really… your content marketing statement is fairly easy!
The best part about your content marketing statement is that once you have it written, it really helps to focus your content creation. After all, if you are looking for a topic to write about and it has nothing to do with your audience or what their main goal is that you can fulfill… then don’t write it! See how valuable that content marketing statement is?! So again it’s your turn. Create your content marketing statement.
- What are you good at? What are you “not so good” at?
- What are your customers looking for and how can you best serve that void?
- What is your content marketing statement?
- Click follow on my blog! (Already did that? Get a friend to follow)
BTW – my entire day was filled with creative thoughts… it was a whole series of processes and many a piece of paper that helped me focus my current situation. It really took all of day two. Well that and I made two dog collars for my “” business and I made a couple rhinestone designs for my “” business. In the mix I walked Mr. Pancake… my dog who is still mad at me for leaving him in boarding for a week. But the things I learned at Social Media Marketing World will also help Mr. Pancake’s website: – Glad my planning day is done and I’m ready for Day Three… now it’s your turn!