My journey is going awesome – today was day 16 since my return from Social Media Marketing World. And now… I have a podcast! Woo Hoo! It’s ready for you to subscribe too! Right now I’m creating one minute inspirations in the morning to help motivate your day. The only thing I’m missing is a name… I need a title to the show. I’m sure it will come to me.
Here’s the fun part that you can try for your business. The technology makes it easy to record on your phone and upload to a podcast host. I use Libsyn. Once you create the audio track then you are able to repurpose the content in your social media channels. For example, I repurpose my audio blog by creating a written blog post and linking back to the correct track. It’s a neat way to help generate traffic… think about it for your business.
Finalizing the podcast was the biggest consumer of my time over the past six days. This includes the logistics of getting the podcast working, including graphics, descriptions and transferring feeds. It also including the “doing” function of creating content. I’m happy it’s working. Next is to get my app done and ready to go…
This leads me to the mid-week check-in I completed. Since most of was ready in skeleton form, it was time to look at Once again I needed to evaluate my content mission statement and determine what the main purpose is of the site. My main purpose for is sharing tips that other small business have found successful… this means that I soon will be ready to recruit stories! If you have one to share email me!
As for my App… oh, don’t ask. Since Apple updated it’s terms of service, my App is caught is some strange vortex of waiting for approval. Tick Tock – it will be worth the wait!
The photo of the envelopes is a small TBD success story. I was sitting at work. Remember, I work at our family marina. I’m trying to increase members in our boat club. I was trying to figure out how to reach this audience… then I had an “ah ha” moment. I thought… hummm… what would I tell someone else. Sure enough, I went to my list and segmented it down to a point where I have a giant pile of yellow envelopes going out in the mail tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted on the success!
Action Steps:
1- Determine two topics you could talk about on a Podcast… AND start an audio blog. Don’t worry about bringing it to a Podcast until you have 20 recordings. Just start talking into your phone. AudioCopy is a free app that you can install to start your 20 recordings!
2- How’s your list doing? I created a mailing and I’m glad I had the information available to go to this resource. Start with current customers then past customers. Get their address and email information into one area, even it’s on paper in a shoebox (someone else can type it) – just start.