“If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it.”
There’s a reason you started your business. There’s a reason you continue to work at it. There’s a reason you do social media to support it. What? That third reason just tripped you up.
There is a reason you participate in social media… because your customers do!
The magic of social media is it builds the personality of your business. Each post you create gives you the opportunity to speak with character and build a bond of trust with your clients.
It helps to consider this angle as you create your social media plan. Instead of looking at the calendar for the next month as a chore or worse a bunch of squares that need to be filled with tasks, start to consider your responsibility of building the spirit of your company. Now, this voice is going to be your voice, and as such, you need to speak with sincerity. Don’t mask your own personality, if you do, your “speak” will become forced.
This is the most complicated struggle that small business face with their social media plan. They worry about saying the wrong thing. For so many decades businesses didn’t have a personality. They had advertising and sold products, but they didn’t have a personality. Now you get to decide how your message is delivered and that is what you are doing every time you post on your social media outlets.
It’s time to have fun! If you have fun with your “voice” your will enjoy sharing the good news about your business via social media turning it from chore to joy. Social media is important to your business success so relax, create a plan, and trust yourself. You can do this… but you have to go after what you want.
PS: if you love my post, give it a “like”!
Action Step
1- Create a plan for your next months social media opportunities. Get a calendar and start to fill it in considering the special events you are hosting and days on calendar important to your business or industry. Then just start “talking” to your customers.
2- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
Listen to Episode #127 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast
Love this saying? Buy it on a 12″ x 12″ Canvas “Social Square” wall hanging!
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