Saturday: Try This! Can you charge extra for air? Yesterday I received a box from Amazon. Inside was the ink cartridge I ordered… and air pillows. OK, I have no idea what they’re called. Not bubble wrap… but those large pillows of air trapped in plastic that are no fun to pop. Well, I was […]
“Chase the vision, not the money. The money will end up following you.” Tony Hsieh Friday: Big Money Small Change Sometimes the best advice is the most obvious. When you are trying to make more money… ask for the sale! Today I was on the phone trying to sign up someone for our winter boat […]
“Stop rushing the process. Instead, perfect the art.” Tuesday: Content and Consistency Question: How do you write what your tribe wants to read? My Answer: I don’t think you do… I think you write what YOU want to write. But I do have a mini-formula that will soon reveal itself. OK, here’s what I […]
Saturday: Try This Tonight I walked out to close our gas dock. This involves making sure that the pumps are locked and that our storage cabinet is also locked. Well… I opened the cabinet and there was that recognizable smell… not gas… hand sanitizer! That reminded me of this great idea! When you offer convenience […]
“The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.” Friday: “Big Money Small Change” On Friday and Saturday I love highlighting new or cool marketing things I’ve discovered from brands I use or that followers send to me… Yesterday I opened my mail. My dog collar arrived in a branded mail bag. Inside the bag […]