Happy Saturday! I’m a little antsy from being cooped up… So I decided to look up my photos from a vacation I took last year.
It’s fun to watch the blogs about Disney World. I also like to see how they merchandise items.
This was a very fun idea… and I thought I”d share it, ya never know what idea it might generate for you.

This is a hand painting shoe station.
It’s clever. Thye only have to carry inventory in white. No need for any other color because it’s going to be painted by an artist!
So not only does this product fit well in a creative environment, such as Disney World, but also helps reduce the amount of inventory needed.
You simply order the plain thing, and hire someone that can decorate the”thing” you sell, whether it’s shoes, a Tshirt, hat, or even a blanket!
Try This!
Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Week in Review”!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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