Thursday Blog Topic: Infinity Customer –
Quote: “What you repeat you strengthen.”
So you want to make more money… but can’t spend a lot of money to do it, so what the heck do you do?
Add a profit center!
What’s a profit center?
A profit center is another area of your business that generates money.
Sounds cool right?! But how do you do this…
Well, it’s like a convenience store that has a car wash or a grocery store that adds a bakery. The primary business still exists, but many small businesses are under it’s “umbrella”.
Now a bakery or a car wash are expensive to add to your business and they take time to get up and running… you want to do something now, something that generates money but doesn’t cost a huge amount to start.
How about print on demand?
This is a perfect way to take care of your customers and provide products they like without having to have lots of inventory. You create a design and then print it over and over on different things like T shirts, mugs, bags, sweatshirts, leggings, swimsuits, lots and lots of different types of merchandise.
Get this… you create the product, sell it online, and you know what??? Your supplier will print it AND ship it.
Seriously, this is true!
Think about a T shirt. If you want to offer a T shirt for sale at your business NORMALLY you need to carry small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large in your store. This is a lot of inventory!
If you have a small store it’s hard to carry a variety of designs and you end up getting stuck with lots of back stock… but now
Infinity is the NEW inventory!
You create the design and offer it for sale. You can even display the design in your store and offer it for sale to arrive at your customer’s home later on…
I love the way these companies have displayed their shirts.

If you don’t have a lot of retail space, this is the perfect way to display your artwork so customers can easily see it without digging through piles or messy bins.
But what happens if you could just print one T shirt and have it shipped out automatically? WOW! This means it would be printed on demand and you would NEVER have to keep 48 T shirts in your back room! That would be pretty amazing!
Here’s the fun part… this is possible now.
I even created an entire online program called – when you get a chance visit the site. Yes, you can learn how to do print on demand all by yourself, but if you buy the Fast Track System you’ll shorten your learning curve because I’ve been selling items like this for over 10 years and have sold over 6 figures using this method.
AND…. That experience allows you to start creating items and jumping to next level selling in your brand new profit center with ideas like:
1 – Email – add an Infinity Product to your email newsletter each week!
2 – Bonus Programs: Imagine offering a loyalty program where people in your store would earn points for your T shirts or mugs… but you don’t have to carry inventory… you just print on demand!
3 – Line of Merchandise: YES, you can order ahead and have one or two of several items to sell, right in your store.
To learn more about creating a design like this visit:

To buy something, visit:
4 – Pre-Order: Have a special with your tribe. For example, offer a blanket for sale… but don’t carry inventory, just take pre-orders! Get paid ahead, then get the product made.
Anyway, if you’re looking to make a little extra money with a brand new profit center for your customer’s birthdays, weddings, graduations, holidays, resort/location gear, and special logo merchandise… make sure to check out
It’s so important to really get to know your customers and start offering them items the want instead of searching for people to buy your products. This is the hole that an infinity product fills. When you understand your customers and can create a new product design they desire, dang it… they will love it and buy it and you’ll make money.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Big Cash Small Change”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
Free Gift: Here’s a FREE guide to show MY results from using Infinity!
Tribeology: Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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