If you find yourself asking, “What are easy content marketing ideas?” or searching “easy content marketing ideas” ask yourself why I just wrote that?
Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “Live in the Now, this ”Moment is truly a Gift!”
OK so why did I write that at the top of my post?
Apparently… voice search has become an important consideration in your content marketing searching techniques.
I just read an article that said you should put your key words in the first sentence and in the last sentence and every 150 words along the way… that’s waaaay too much trouble. However, I figured I’d try the first sentence AND tell you another tip at the same time.
Did you see how I wrote the same thing two very different ways?
“What are easy content marketing ideas?”
“easy content marketing ideas”
(HA – maybe I will hit the every 150 words)
Ahhhhh — ok the reason it’s important to include a full question is just incase you shout (in frustration) – “Hey Siri, what are easy content marketing ideas?” — you would do this instead of “Hey Siri easy content marketing ideas” we don’t speak that way… we speak in sentences.
So what are these content marketing tips?
I also just read a great article about top NEW trends in content marketing. Now I’m not sure if that’s a searchable term… may I should ask, “what are the top new trends in content marketing for small businesses?”
Now, I’m just entertaining myself.
But here’s what number one was… video. Yeppers that red record button and speaking – especially live is a critical component to content marketing.
I need to do this.
I enjoy writing articles like this to help you learn content marketing and consistency in posting it to build your Infinity Marketing Machine… and more important your tribe! After all that consistency in content will build trust and you must have trust to bond the customers and transform into a tribe.
This apparently, well according to the article, is happening with video! SO… I will get on board and start creating videos. Ugh. But they will be awesome!
Not as awesome as creating an Infinity Product! What’s that? It’s my newest product. Learn more at InfinityProduct.com – I’d love to have you check it out.
OK what else did I learn from this Top New Trends in Content Marketing? (Ha. did it again)
I learned conversational marketing is HUGE.
This is email… messaging… texting… it’s that feeling of an actual conversation. It’s exactly what we teach here! I’m so excited you started visiting me… everyday we have a different topic to the blog.
Today is Content and Consistency. And today’s article is on content… and the content I’m providing is an article on the Top new trends in content marketing that I found in an article I just read.
But other than the shameless keyword packing… I’m actually teaching you HOW to use this type of content strategy (minus the sarcastic comments) to have an impact at your small business.
Ultimately, I’m teaching you how to create content by giving you a content example that is useful to YOU.
Build your Infinity Marketing Machine and create that tribe through email marketing. Even though email has been around a long time, it’s style has been named a top trend in content marketing… this year! Email marketing is about a hip as it gets AND as a small business, it’s levels the playing field for you.
Do IT.
Finally… the last cool topic I’ll mention is the ability to personalize messaging for your customers.
This is something that a small business can really utilize. Imagine if you’re in a blizzard… send out your email of photos of your product in a blizzard instead of the standard photos on a shelf.
If it’s 80 degrees, utilize the hot weather theme to the customers in the heat!
Really match the reality of your customer with your message.
This is the ultimate top trend in content marketing for small businesses that I found… it’s an area where you can excel.
So how did I do? Did I manage to get my key word phrase of, “What are easy content marketing ideas?” in the article in useful ways?
We’ll find out… good luck on using these trends. I think they are useful and will help with your impact in content marketing!
Now go try them… and create an Infinity Product I believe this is the trend that ALL businesses need to pay attention to… why? Well I believe that “Infinity is the New Inventory” — head on over and learn how to create Infinity Products.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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