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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 898 – How to Handle a Mistake the Right Way?

5- Friday - Big Money how to fix a mistake marketing Real world small business blog small business blogger small business trust building Success tips Tribe Building

Tribeology: Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Friday: Big Money Small Change

Quote: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein


Surprise! I got an email.

Happens every day… well, happens a lot every day.

So why did this one stand out in my in-box?

Well… it’s not everyday that you receive an email from a company that says they made a mistake.  That tag line caught my attention!

Now, I didn’t know they made a mistake.  Some might argue that sending a mass email to people that didn’t know you had a problem only draws attention to the problem.



BUT… it’s something that builds credibility.  The company not only takes ownership of the problem, but they build trust in thinking about how their customers feel.

That’s a big deal.

So… sometimes saving the sale OR admitting you had an issue will build a long term relationship and that will bring in sales in the future.



Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Try This”!
PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  I call it #doinginfinity.  Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.



Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

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