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ProfitCenterCoach.com – Day 48 – 15 Minutes is Enough

15 minutes is enough Business owner motivation Content just 15 minutes marketing Planning Real world Small Business owner motivation small business owner tip Success tips value your time

“Someone could take the same hand you’re being dealt in win with it”

My today has been long and it’s been crazy.

It started last night when I received a text from the mom of a crew member who had an accident and was in the ER.

He’s fine now, but it was scary news to receive.

Then my day continued with absolutely beautiful sunny weather and our forklift was broken.  This was awful… but you know what.  Times like this really are rough, but it can always be worse.

I will tell you this.  When things are going bad… you need to continue to keep perspective.  I’ve been completing an online course and yesterday I read two easy tips I thought I’d pass on.

1) Take a walk in nature.    OK this morning I did this…  I get it.  I pass this trick on to you.

2) You have 15 minutes.  Really you do.  I was just about ready to “scan” Facebook and I said… Wait, I am at that moment to carve out 15 minutes… so you know what I did in 15 minutes?  HA!  I created a new Pinterest board.  Check it out!  It’s called PontoonGirl… it’s been created as a traffic generator.

So there you have it – my day was complicated and not easy.  But I was able to take a few ideas that I learned the day before and get something accomplished.

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