So yesterday’s inspiration was Idea+action = reality and today’s inspiration wants us to learn that the starting point to achievement is desire.
Let’s think about this. I had oatmeal for breakfast. It was fine. If my goal for achievement was to have oatmeal… I’m a success. I had oatmeal because it was what was in my cupboard. I could have had the frozen turkey dinner in my freezer. But I had oatmeal. Would I rather have had pancakes and bacon. Heck yeah, but I’m not going through the trouble of making pancakes. Does this mean I’m a failure?
Well, it certainly doesn’t mean I’m a failure IF my desire was to eat breakfast. Then either oatmeal or pancakes & bacon would result in achievement. But if my desire was for pancakes & bacon, I did not achieve success. I’m full and at the same time unfulfilled (haha).
Spend time and effort defining your “problem”. There are many theories out there to find an “awesome life” and they result in going after what you really want. I don’t always agree because while I’d really rather eat pancakes & bacon, the mess of clean up far outweighs any benefit of switching from oatmeal. (well not bacon…bacon is always worth the mess)
When you look at your social marketing and social media plans you need to decide what your DESIRE is. Some businesses want a social media presence because they think they “need” one, some people have a social media presence because someone else thought it was a good idea, and still others have it because it is THE way to communicate with their customers (fans).
I’m noticing a strange amount of guilt around what otherwise are successful social marketing plans. Small businesses think they are doing it wrong. Well, I heard a stat that 90% of business are doing it wrong… and yet sales continue to happen. (wink) so it’s kind of a lame stat, eh?!?! That makes me wonder, “Why is there so much guilt and feelings of dissatisfaction?”
Probably for the same reason I’m full and “unfulfilled” with oatmeal over pancakes & bacon.
I ate, but I did not eat what I truly wanted.
Business are “doing” social marketing but not with the results they THINK they should be getting.
And that’s the source of the problem.
Define what you really want as a goal for your social marketing plan and let’s figure out how to get there.
You do not have to be on 6 platforms and spend 15 hours a week doing this if you don’t want to. You “need” to make the reality of what is going on in your head what is actually happening. That’s why yesterday’s inspiration and today’s are linked.
Your reality is already occurring… because it’s… well… reality. Your “disconnect” is happening because today you ate oatmeal and wanted pancakes and bacon. Your reality is that you are not hungry, but your reality does not match your brain saying “bacon bacon bacon”.
Today, really decide what you want out of your social marketing “thing”. Social Media Marketing is not a one size fits all cookie cutter system. It’s SOCIAL. You can have it help your business in an unlimited (dare I say infinity) ways. So you want social media to: A- generate sales and become the driving force for your business or B- to have something online so search engines find you, or C- is it to build community among current customers… there’s no wrong answer! However, even with just these three ideas (and there are many more) you have three different time/money/talent constraints.
So today, decide what YOUR desire is and let the achievement follow!
Question of the Post:
What are your two “stopping points” to creating a great social marketing plan? answer here
PS: Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me! (and Join me… click here)
Action Steps
1- Define what your true outcome for Social Marketing is for your business. What do you really want to achieve? Write it down! (tell me in the comments)
2- Install my free app! (
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