Learn Your Audience Language
marketing Next big thing Social marketing
Its time to get creative with your marketing.
I mean really level up your game. The reason is the big companies are becoming quite innovative. I read this article about companies developing and using emojis. Who would have thought that the "colon and parentheses" :) we made a smile with would turn into a marketing language. That's exactly how Dominos views it. It's a way to communicate with the customer in "their language".
How do you find the language of your customer? Trial and error. I made a slide show video that worked fantastic for an "older" target and did nothing for a "younger" group. The reason... Slides were outdated to the younger set and completely "hip" to that older demographic.
Here's a confusing thing... I did one still shot of the video on snapchat and it was a hit! Less is more and a different platform allowed the message to be heard.
It's an exciting time and you need to continue to tweek your marketing. Don't stop what you're doing that works, just start adding new channels to your mix. Learn your audience's language.
Happy Fishing!