Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Every day is a new day.
I know, I kind of ripped off “Gone With the Wind” which is , “Tomorrow is a New Day.” – great line.
Anyway, what the heck does it mean?
It means pull yourself up, open your eyes, and focus on the beauty all around you.
Today, right now is different from an hour ago and you better believe that in an hour you’ll have this chance again.
At any moment you can switch gears and completely change your life. It just takes one moment. Sometimes you can decide, other times something happens and BOOM you automatically change.
OK, gross story. But I used to chew gum, a lot of gum. I loved it. Especially the orange gumballs you get in Florida – Oh those are amazing. But you know what happened? Easter and the yellow with red spot gum balls that look like eggs… So gross, just warning you… I had a gum frenzy going on and all of a sudden I’m like…. crunch. YEPPERS not to get too graphic, but my tooth was once in my gum was now in my gum.
And I’ve never chewed gum since.
SO, when at 10am I was deeply woven in the fabric of my being a gum chewer, by 11am I never had a desire again to chew gum.
You see… every day is a new day. Appreciate that and realize that your morning and evening can feel like they are from different lifetimes.
Most important, you can decide at any moment to make a change.
You are in control.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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