Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “No matter how you feel. Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up and NEVER Give Up”
Keep a pattern and keep going. Better yet, keep a pattern and excel.
Lots of people are staying home… and it seems like the fall outs are no showers and awful sleep patterns.
Well, not to compare you to my dog, but people are just like my dog.
My dog is this amazing creature of habit and if I mess with the pattern it’s sometimes funny and other times just annoying.
He likes to wake up, well likes to wake me up… it’s funny if I get up earlier than him. Again, part of the pattern disruption. But if I wake up he’ll seriously stay in bed pretending that I didn’t pet him.
But he gets up, wakes me up, then goes out… there’s breakfast, a nap, he moves to the next room for another nap, then goes outside, and I leave. I have no idea what he does all day… I’m assuming he naps and watches TV. Then I get home and he goes out, eats, plays, then goes night night.
The funny thing is, if I come home early he has that look wondering what I’m doing in HIS house. Then if dinner is late, he gets ornery.
How about you? Without a pattern of going to work or school, how is it affecting you… are you annoyed with people in “your space” at odd times of the day… if dinner is late are you ornery? And if some one wakes you up early are you annoyed or do you pretend it didn’t happen…
Get up. Take a shower. Keep some sort of pattern. And what ever you do, set goals and everyday work toward achieving it!
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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