“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” Benjamin Franklin Wednesday: Midweek Motivation I’m back to Ben! I found this inspiration and thought… it’s a must share. It’s amazing how awesome Benjamin Franklin’s advice is and how it’s stood the test of time. I hope 300 years from now I’ll be remembered for saying […]
“A good system shortens the road to the goal.” -Orison Swett Marden Wednesday: Midweek Motivation What’s your system? I’m referring to getting or staying organized. What is your system? Do you have a planner, do you have post it notes, is it all in your brain? Back up one step and ask, why do you […]
Reset. Readjust. Restart. Refocus. As many times as you need to… Wednesday: Midweek Motivation The all important question… when to cut bait. Well, some might say when to cut your losses, but I’m from the marina industry – we relate everything to the waters! I’m not sure when is as important as actually doing it. […]
“Speak Freely” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation Yesterday I shared the power of Storytelling. So using my own advice, let me share a story from a trip to DC! “It’s OK, speak freely” said the retail clerk at the train station. Instantly a huge wave of relief came over me. Washington DC is an amazing city. […]
“Fake it till you make it” Wednesday: Midweek Motivation It’s OK to be a beginner… in certain areas. It’s also OK to “Fake it till you make it” – in certain areas. Let’s explore. Check out the photo I selected for today’s inspiration. It’s a beautiful bouquet of wooden tulips. Now… if you a gift […]