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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 794 – Feel Dumb Asking Questions?

2-Tuesday - Content & Consistency ask questions and answer them bring it back to basics Business owner motivation Content Customers marketing Real world small business blogger small business marketing tip Success tips Tribe Building

Quote: “Content is the reason search began in the first place”

Tuesday: Content and Consistency


What the heck are we doing?  You sit down to write a post… it could be your Facebook post, a blog – maybe you’re not writing – but you’re counting down 3…2…1!

You have this nagging feeling to “make content” because you “HAVE TO” — and there you are “making” content.

It’s not fun. It’s annoying. And it’s a chore.

Sound familiar?

OH, I’ve been there.

But now look at today’s quote: “Content is the reason search began in the first place” — how silly is this?  It’s easy to comprehend.  And easy to think back to when you first used the internet.

I’m going to say I used Netscape as my very first exposure to the internet.  OK, my VERY first exposure was Gopher…  wait… no I think my actual first exposure was in 5th grade.  Our elementary school had this old thing that looked like a typewriter that was hooked up to some computer at the University – I don’t know… but it makes Netscape look pretty awesome.

Actually… Netscape was pretty awesome!

I remember asking the gal that showed me how to use the internet, “what do you do with this?”

She said, “Search for something!”  I’m like “what do I search for?”

She said, rather annoyed… “Anything”

Ugh.  The very first website I visited was the University of Minnesota’s — I happened to be working at the U at the time…

I was hooked!

This was the coolest thing I ever saw… it was full of… um… CONTENT.

I searched and then I found answers.  Answers to things I didn’t even know I needed answers to.

This is what we all need to strive for as we “force” ourselves to write content.

Share things that seem super mundane to you because to someone brand new to you or your site they might not be so ordinary.  After all, aren’t there questions you love to have answered but sometimes you’re afraid of feeling “dumb” by asking?  Right???? So answer them for your tribe.

Get out there today – make a list of 10 of the most basic questions you feel like you’re asked and answer them on your website — post the question and the answer — now… the fun part will be – create a series of 10 posts on Facebook or Instagram where you introduce the question and answer as your topic… go one step further and link back to the answers on your website.

It’s a great way to prompt your followers to ask even more questions!



Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!

PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
FREE GIFT! Grab your “Best and Simple Social Media Planner” to help with your Content and Consistency!


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

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