Tuesday’s Topic: Your Business is work… transform from “one and done” to Infinity
- Today’s Quote: “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”
—Vince Lombardi

Today we’re discussing one of my most favorite mind-benders. The illusion of false inspirational quotes.
I’m a former national champion at baton twirling… and I remember my mom saying, “practice makes perfect”
But you know it doesn’t, right?!?
Here’s why I say this… let’s say you have a basketball in your hands and you’re at the free thrown line. You dribble a couple times – aim – shoot. You practice this over and over.
Is it perfect?
YES. Your practice has made you perfect for the crap array of results that you get from dribbling, aiming and shooting…
But what the heck is your GOAL?
If your goal is to simply practice until perfection of the practice – then you’ve done it.
BUT if your goal is to make a basket from the free through line, then ONLY when you have mastered the technique of getting the ball into the hoop will the practice of that technique become perfected.
Get it?
The technique is the thing you must practice.
So what is it in your business that you are trying to accomplish and are you practicing the correct thing to bring success?
For example, if you are trying to develop an audience, and you’re good at attracting followers – that’s swell, but attracting followers does not help you build an audience.
That may seem backward – but break it down.
The technique is attracting you are practicing “attracting” – but if your goal is to develop an audience – you must practice the technique to develop, which is NURTURING.
Nurturing is content development.
What does your audience want? How can you give this to them.
Practice the thing that brings the perfection of the goal and then you will achieve the success you desire.
Visit MissFunctioning for our best reboot – a 32 Day Gratitude Journal for Small Business Owners. It’s the opportunity to focus your mindset and excel at “you”.
As always, head over to the EntrepreneurZenZone.com – grab the coloring sheet and take a little break! You’ll be added on our email list to get even more tips and hints to creating Passive Income Profit Centers at your business.
Monday Topic: YOU – You are your business focus level up your Credibility and Mindset.
Tuesday Topic: Your Business… Consistency and Customers is “the doing” of success.
Wednesday: TwoMinuteCommute.com quick inspiration break.
Thursday Topic: Your Brand – Content and Cash – ideas that matter.