Monday’s Topic: You are your business… so you need to focus on yourself.
- Today’s Quote: “You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.”
—Sabrina Bryan
Monday’s Topic: You are your business… so you need to focus on yourself.
Who is on your team? As we inch further into the new year, this question becomes more important.
It’s fair to ponder… “but I am the business… I am my team.” And likely you are the only one or a very small team, other extended team members may be your vendors or even accountants. But you probably don’t have corporate spa to relax in.
That begs the question, “how do you find the passion, drive, focus, and support” like our quote today mentions that you need?
Start with what you put in your head. What ever you feed that area between your ears is the most important thing to affecting your performance.
If you say you can’t… you’re right.
If you say you won’t…. you’re right.
It’s a fun little exercise, but you need to be very conscious of what you are “consuming” in your brain.
The music, books, magazines… all of this contributes to you.
When it contributes to you – it affects your business and your brand.
For example, at Christmas… does listening to Christmas songs put you in a different mood as you decorate the tree? What if you were listening to the news… It affects the entire experience.
That’s just a small job. Now imagine your business. How you started your day makes a difference. What is the first thing you did when you woke up? Did you meditate or did you jump on email.
If you start to view yourself as a vital member of your team (again might seem odd as a solopreneur) but if you view yourself differently, it’s likely your output will be different.
Another example of a quick reboot is to check out my 32 Day Gratitude Journal… it’s a wonderful way to refocus yourself and enjoy your business.
Want another relaxing activity, stop over at the EntrepreneurZenZone.com to see what this month’s theme is… it’s a great break in your day.