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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 732 – Why Do You Want to Compete for Local Awards?

1-Monday - Subject Matter Expert 3rd party proof builds trust awards marketing build credibility with awards Business owner motivation Customers Loyalty marketing small business blogger small business marketing ideas Social proof subject matter expert Success tips

‎Quote: ”A goal should scare you a little, and excite you a lot.” Joe Vitale

Monday : Subject Matter Expert


Are awards important?

Yes and no… if you are the local bakery and enter your pie into the State Fair and win a blue ribbon then YES it’s important.

If you are an exercise guru and enter a pie eating contest and win… hummmmm maybe not.

Awards are fun and keep you at the top of your game.  But what about the message it send to someone that doesn’t know you?  The award is a 3rd party endorsement of whatever you competed in.

Here’s the deal though, you need to look for opportunities.  Sometimes you may think that the award is small or trivial, but there’s no such thing.  If someone wants to recognize your accomplishment(s) – that’s quite an honor.

This recognition from 3rd party is critical to building your credibility!  Awards are a great way to  gain immediate trust with your prospective customers because someone else has recognized you!

I think the most common award a business can participate in is the award your local newspaper hosts. Typically this is an award that comes via getting your customers to “vote” for you on their site.  The winners receive an award for your office and logo for your website.

Well… this award, at a minimum, gives you social proof in your local community!  What a better recognition than to have your customers vote for you to win!  It also builds a bond with your customers, they helped to get your business recognized.

Pretty cool!

This awards also acts as a stepping stone to the next award.

Your next award may be a state or regional trade organization – they often have a section on their application that asks for honors/awards received… well using that local award proves that a different organization was willing to lend their good name to promote YOU!

And finally, the regional award leads to the national award.  Imagine being a national winner or nationally recognized… that’s a really cool thing!

But this all start with your local award, the one that is right in front of you if only to take few moments to compete.

Guess what your homework is for today?  Find the award and COMPETE!



Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Content & Consistency”!

PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
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