Quote: “An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan” –Warren Buffet
Monday: Subject Matter Expert
Plan ahead.
We’ve heard that before and regularly follow the advice, but… then thre’s are the times we think, hummmm if only I had done that.
That’s what I’m trying to help you avoid.
I’m using Subject Matter Expert to help illustrate this “plan ahead” concept.
Let’s say you want to make $100 dollars by the end of the day. How will you do it?
If you had an email list, you could create an offer and send it out to your customers. IF you have done the daily work in providing information they desire, presented in a fun, engaging and exciting manner, your success rate would rise.
IF you did this from the position as a subject matter expert your success would be even higher!
Now let’s get personal. How many are on “your list” – that’s the phrase we use to describe your email list. How many email addresses do you have? 1,000? 400? 10? zero? Zero but you know you can get 7 by the end of the day?
If you have 7 you better have an outstanding relationship to earn $100!
Next question… how many posts have you created in the last month? 30? 20? 8? None? — The more frequent and outstanding your information, the better your credibility!
When your tribe is ready to hear from you and expect your message, you will be much more successful in gaining the privilege of “getting” that $100.
Is this making sense?
If you want to make $100 by the end of the day… and YOU have a list… And YOU have put the time into sharing information with your tribe… YOU have the ability to send out an email and make money.
You could wake up today and think… hummm… look at these 5 T shirts, I want to get rid of them, I know there are 5 people on my list of 400 that want them… here’s an email!
This is like creating your very own ATM machine.
It’s not free, it’s not without work, but it is the real deal.
TODAY, start! Make one post, collect one email.
If you do this every day — next week you will have 7 email addresses AND 7 posts. In two weeks you’ll have 14 posts, and 14 email addresses… OMG, by August 1 you’ll have 31 posts and 31 emails!
Imagine how many you’d have by Christmas? 177 posts and 177 email addresses…
This will greatly improve YOUR opportunity to “wake up and decide to make $100”
This is why it’s super important to position yourself as a Subject Matter Expert… it gives you the freedom to make a list, build a tribe, and share information — it’s so you can enhance your business as the leader of the topic – and so you can say, “cool, today I’d like $100” — think if you did that every day? $700/week or $2,800 a month… that woudl be amazing!
Alrightie – go do it… start with ONE.
PS: did you see that you’ve only got 177 shopping days until Christmas? HAHAHA
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Content & Consistency”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
FREE GIFT! Grab my guide: 6 Steps to Subject Matter Expert.
Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review