Quote: “Leadership is not about your title, it’s about your behavior”
Monday: Subject Matter Expert
I’m taking time this week to do a repeat of some of my favorite posts – here’s one from back at Episode 477 where I discussed another way to overcome your hesitation in creating your Subject Matter Expert Status.
Here we go…
Original Post 10/8/18
Having trouble with positioning yourself as a Subject Matter Expert? Sometimes its because it feels strange to “brag”. I assure you this is not bragging.
This is about building trust.
You need to build trust online and this is the most effective way to do this. Here’s why… when you meet someone in person you have the advantage of picking up on non-verbal ques. You can see the way they smile, the way they use eye contact, and even how they shake your hand. But online you’ve got nothing!
Well… you have something… you have the ability to position yourself as a Subject Matter Expert!
When you’re having trouble trying to focus on “what” to list that would be helpful to strangers in the “building trust” category… just think of how you’d like someone to introduce you.
Imagine you’re taking the stage and the emcee is going to give your 30 second pitch!
What honor, titles, awards, and credentials do you want the audience to know about?
Your answer is exactly what you need to focus on.
So now… go, build up your profile and create a one paragraph “pitch” that you can add to your “about me” page. This is really how easy the Subject Matter Expert positioning can be.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Content & Consistency”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
FREE GIFT! Grab my guide: 6 Steps to Subject Matter Expert.
Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review