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Social Marketing - Finding Ideas for Posts

Talk to your grandma and other ideas for posts! Today you need to post something, anything... It's been a while since that last communication. You're desperate.

Hold on. Desperate comes through loud and clear. When you find yourself at this point, take a deep breath and ask, "would I want to read this?"

When you've determined the answer is no. Then read the article highlighting below. It's really basic but will give you some awesome starting points. When you change your question to, "What can I teach about my business?" The possibilities open up!

Teach about your employees. What cool hobbies do they excel at? People are interested and love making that connection.

What can the industry teach? There are lots of trade websites out there, look to their blog for inspiration and share a link!

Look to new products and highlight them. There is a line between selling and featuring. Stick to featuring. If you're confused, write the post like you're talking to your grandma. You wouldn't say "going fast and only $8.99"... You'd show the products newness and the cool benefits!

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