I grew up with dogs. They always just kind of hung out in the house. We’d let them outside, play with them, and that was about it. Prior to adopting Mr. Pancake, a Teddybear Goldendoodle from Mobile, Alabama, I’d drive by doggy day care facilities and really wonder what their business model was all about. After all, my childhood just had the dog hanging out in the house all day. That’s where Mr. Pancake started until he started eating everything. From shoes to carpeting he devoured everything. Something had to change, and that’s when doggy day care entered my life.
Now I think it’s one of the most incredible concepts on the planet. I bring Mr. Pancake to see his buddies (dogs) and friends (employees) and he plays and plays. He gets really worn out, then I pick him up. He now eats dog food instead of the curtains! (haha)
Today when I stopped in to pick up Mr. Pancake I was surprised by his photo! He was on the digital photo frame at the entrance. What a cool way to build community among your customers. People love to see photos of their _______ (fill in the blank). BTW: “The Caker” is the handsome white doodle in the photo above. What was neat about the photo was seeing Mr. Pancake getting along with other dogs. I always imagine him having a good time… but seeing a photo of him enjoying his visit is pretty cool AND it makes me want to bring him back again and again…
Try this marketing process at your business! Get a frame and snap some photos. It’s a pretty inexpensive way to build loyalty and trust among your customers. It doesn’t take up much room. And it’s a nice way to highlight your services. There are even “fancy” frames that work over your wireless network – this way your customers can email the frame and the photos display automatically! Really, these frames are cool. Imagine if you rented RV’s and people emailed photos of their adventures from the road!
Action Step
- Take photos for future use
- Find a place in your check out area to add a digital frame
- Buy the digital frame and implement #1 and #2!
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