When I was a child, I used to get so frustrated. The teacher would say “draw a house” and I’d try. But the thing on the paper never matched the vision in my head. I was so excited when graphic design programs were invented and I could finally get my visions on paper! It was a game changer. It was like I finally had a tool that helped me achieve success.
When you are goal setting and charting your path toward success, use visualization. When you get a clear picture in your head of what your desired outcome is success can follow. Be very specific with your visualization. There is a phrase we all know from computers which is “GIGO” or garbage in/garbage out. When you visualize, be specific because if you visualize vague you will achieve vague.
The next thing you need are the proper tools. It’s not enough to have a vision of your success you need the specific plan to keep you on track. I like using the SMART technique for goal achievement; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reward, and Time Bound. Take a look at the article I wrote on BigFishIdeas.com for more info on the process.
One more hint, don’t just set long term goals. Goal achievement takes practice. Set and accomplish a goal each day. When you get in the habit of the daily “win” your ability to achieve your long term goal becomes possible.
PS: if you love my post, “Like” it!
Action Step
1- Come up with a goal – something you really want to achieve.
2- Visualize your success
3- Develop the plan and attack! Always keeping that vision in your head. Every day, visualize the success… it will happen.
4– Install our app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
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