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Episode #401 – June will Happen

3- Wednesday - Midweek Motivation Business owner motivation create your success marketing small busines owner advice success Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Have a vision and remain focused regardless of the obstacles and you will succeed”

I love success.

So today’s inspiration is amazing.  As long as you remain focused you will succeed…. hummmmmm I think we need to be a little more specific.

For example – what the heck is the goal?  I mean, if all we had to do was stay focused we’d be all set is a little flimsy.  I get the part about having a vision… but what is success and is it possible you need a varying degree of success?

Here’s why I bring it up… we have a running joke going on at work. It’s become VERY busy.  The ice went out on our lake really late — May 5 to be exact… that’s a good 3 weeks later than average and actually 6 weeks later than last year (which was super duper early).  Well, this means our customers are still on a calendar schedule and on some level, their expectations are unrealistic.  It takes the same amount of time to do the work, regardless of what the calendar shows.  Our running joke is “June will arrive” or “June will happen”.

This means regardless of what happens this week, by next week it will be June, like it or not.   Therefore, our vision is a start to our summer business activity, so we will have success (regardless).  BUT, it’s a much better plan to define success in addition to your vision or you’ll just end up with a motto like “June will happen” — haha.

So for your midweek motivation, focus on how you define success.  You really need to understand exactly what success is so when you achieve it you can celebrate.  Don’t leave it to chance.  Vision = be clear.  Success = be specific.

Big Money Small Change Success
Character + Content/Consistency + Goals/Motivation + Customers =
Infinity Marketing Machine

PS: thanks for reading!  I really appreciate you being here.  Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me! (and please do me a favor… if you want more great ideas like the one in this post, just fill out this form and I’ll send them to you…  start here


Action Steps

1- Define success!  You need to know when you achieve it!
2- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)

Listen to Episode #401 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast (OK – it’s longer than two minutes today… but WOW… 400 episodes, I’m psyched!)


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