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Episode #356 – The Easy Way to Be Magnificent

1-Monday - Subject Matter Expert Blog content Business owner motivation Content infinity marketing machine marketing share your inner beauty with a blog small business advice small business marketing subject matter expert Success tips Two Minute Commute write and build your credibility

“The beauty & magnificence of who you are must be found in what you do!”

Character is a fundamental building block of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  When you are creating your online community you are the brand.  I know, it might be hard to accept this, but it’s true.

Customers now do a great deal of research prior to their purchase… even if you are a “online only” business.  Your online reputation is important to building trust. Your personal messaging needs to match that of your business messaging.  For example, you would create a huge disconnect if you sell antique ashtrays at the same time your personal Facebook site shows your tobacco free writings.  You can do it, but it leaves your customers confused.

You want to create trust, not confusion.  Your trust is built with every post you create BOTH for your business and your personal brand.  As such, the adoption of a Subject Matter Expert status takes on a whole new meaning.  Because you are the brand behind the brand, you should take every opportunity to strengthen your message.

The great thing is, you have lots of control over this personal messaging.  This is why it’s confusions as to why so many people neglect this area of their online presence.  Take the opportunity to enhance your Linked In profile.  This is easy!  The more time consuming event is to create a blog.  I know… I’m writing one now!  But I’ll tell you this… it doesn’t have to be in the same area as your business.  That may seem odd… but hear me out.

I’m a former national champion at baton twirling.  I have a online app for twirlers.  No, this has nothing to do with boating but if our customers are researching me, they’ll find this info and it makes me real!

You can do this too, just find your passion and write!  Share your info with the world.  Sure it builds your Subject Matter Expertise, but it’s because you are sharing your inner magnificence!

Big Money Small Change Success
Character + Content/Consistency + Goals/Motivation + Customers =
Infinity Marketing Machine

PS: thanks for reading!  I really appreciate you being here.  Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me! (and please do me a favor… if you want more great ideas like the one in this post, just fill out this form and I’ll send them to you…  start here


Action Steps
1- Share your inner beauty!  Start a blog… if you aren’t ready to publish… just open your Word program and write one entry… then write another… and another!  Soon you’ll be ready to share your magnificence with the world.
2- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)

Listen to Episode #356 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!

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