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Episode #224 – New Concept in Positioning Yourself as a Subject Matter Expert

audio blog Blog content create a download fact sheet marketing own your corner of the web Social marketing subject matter expert Success tips success tips for small business owner Two Minute Commute

If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we’d all be millionaires.” ~Abigail Van Buren

Have you ever searched the web looking for the solution to a problem?  Roll Eyes.  Of course.  That’s why we use the internet.  We search for the answer… whether it’s what the weather forecast is… finding that favorite commercial from your youth… or how to potty train your toddler.  We search for solutions!

The reason we search for solutions is to prevent bigger mistakes.  Looking back, did you ever try to “solve a problem” yourself?  You struggled and… looking back… by simply seeking out the correct help you could have solved your problem much faster.  Think about it, have you ever tried to fix your computer yourself?  HAHAHA  How’d that go for you?   (it’s NEVER gone well for me).

This is the basis of expertise.  This is YOU.

When you open your store, whether in person or online, you are positioning yourself as the subject matter expert of the “whatever” you are selling! So when I say, it’s time to own your corner of the web, don’t be afraid that you don’t have the knowledge… you’re using it every day.

The importance of positioning yourself as a subject matter expert is to attract people to you!  In fact, if people say, “you should write a book” then go for it!  Think about writing small books, guides, fact sheets that your followers can download.  Maybe it’s a “first time buyer guide” that will help customers navigate the process of buying what you sell.

Again, this might be the time you start to lose confidence and wonder why anyone would want this… that’s NOT for you to decide!  If a customer comes up to you and asks you a question, and you tell them the process of navigating the sales process… bam!  This would be a helpful piece of information on your site.

Remember… you search the internet for answers and often stumble across subject matter experts that provide information you need, want and love!  Return the favor and start sharing your knowledge, now!


SME + Content/Consistency + Goals/Motivation + Customers = Infinity Marketing Machine

PS: Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me!  (and please do me a favor… if you want more great ideas like the one in this post, just fill out this form and I’ll send them to you…  start here


Action Steps
1- Create a fact sheet or small guide that you can put on your website that someone else will find helpful!  Just type it in word and convert to a PDF.  You can do the download by link!  If you want to do it as a reward for the email address, that’s even better!
2- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)

Listen to Episode #224 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast


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