Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “You have to take action to make it happen” – Jenny Hunt
How’s it going? If you’re like anyone else I’ve talked to today it’s almost minute by minute.
The virus situation has left everyone without a direction.
Well, not everyone. There are plenty of people that are ready to roll in this type of crisis.
I’m not talking about the people hoarding products. I’m talking about the people who have been there before…
And by “been there before” I’m referring to a crisis.
It seems like there are two camps. Those that have given up or bought into the bad, and those that are fighting. I think it has to do more with the stages of grief. But let’s just say in a time when things are out of your control you need to find something to control.
That’s when the fight in you needs to take over.
One great quote, that you’ve probably hear before, is “the money is in the list” – that means your list of contacts provide you money.
What if you had a list, right now, that you could email and share a special product you made with them. Something they desire and want to buy…
That is what you are working for… and if you don’t have a list, start!
Take this opportunity to attract people to your business. Just because you are “closed” or because the phone has stopped ringing… it doesn’t mean that people have stopped buying.
They are just as lost as you and looking for a leader.
Start attracting them by sharing information they desire. When they get this information you build trust. I sent an email earlier today to our core customers and it’s sitting at about a 61% open rate… it will grow.
I’m working on a couple of big projects to help bond this group and build loyalty. It’s not designed to sell them more, it’s designed to keep them.
If you’re not talking to your customers… someone else will.
Get out there and decide to build the bond. This will get better, don’t wait until it does, start the chatting now.
Even if it’s just 4 people on your list, just talk to them. This is a long term plan but it’s a great way to build an asset at your business.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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