Tuesday Blog Topic: Content and Consistency –
Quote: “Content is the reason search began in the first place” Lee Odden
Have you ever done a search? Probably a silly question because one of the first things you learn to do online is visit Google. Well, in my case it was Netscape. I still remember that first search. I remember thinking this world wide web thing is going to be big.
OK, that was 1996.
But what about now?
Have you ever searched your own company or keywords that your customers are using to solve their problem? Does your company appear?
Does this matter?
It does matter. You want businesses to find you! The ideal is to do just like the example above and use keywords that your customers would select to search. That means this exercise forces you to get in their heads and narrow down what is important to them and solve that problem.
But how do you solve their problem?
If their problem is they have a boat and they need somewhere to store it in the winter, they are not interested in your summer information about restaurants to boat up to… or are they interested?
This is the reason for content.
Content is the reason search engines exist. Remember my Netscape encounter. I sat there and the gal said, “what do you want to know?” implying that I could put any words in and get a result. And in the early days, you’d actually type one or two words.
Well, if someone wants to know where to store their boat in the winter the ideal thing is to have an article on your webpage that talks about winter boat storage. But it might also help to have a page of frequently asked questions about winter boat storage with your short answers. AND then have a page dedicated to the individual answer in detail that links to the FAQ page.
The reason to put this type of content on your website is it gives you even more ways to attract customers. Remember the a fore mentioned “boat up to restaurants” article. If someone searches and somehow something in your article attracts winter storage boats, they will land on your main site and if you have the navigation in place it is a one click solution.
Once you have this content tree in place you can use it as links from your email. Write an email that discusses winter storage and link to the FAQ page.
You can also create a “post a day” that features one of the FAQ questions each day… then link to your long answer page.
This type of content provides many uses for content that is valuable to your customers so as you are growing your content try this option.
Today: Identify the area of your business you want to grow. Make an FAQ of all the questions you can think of… then answer the questions. To see an example, check out the FAQ page for our Boat Club.
Remember, content is the reason people search… so if you are looking to improve your search results you need to improve your content.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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