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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 716 – What Do Tariffs and Profit Centers Have to Do with Each Other?

4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Blog content Customers DoingInfinity infinity products and profit centers marketing Real world small business owner advice Success tips tariffs and spreading risk tips to make money and spread risk

Quote:  “If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”

Thursday: Infinity Customers


Two days two interesting conversations.   Yesterday, a woman asked the question… if tariff’s go up what happens to my prices?  Today I chatted with a different woman about the advantages of an Infinity Product.

How are these two conversations related?  Because you need to be ready for anything.

My first convo about tariffs… here’s the deal, you can’t be so wrapped up in one profit center that things out of your control could destroy you… this also means weather, social media changes, tax changes, consumer preferences.

Don’t believe me on consumer preferences… I have a set of rhinestone stickers that go on the bottom of shoes for a wedding… one set says “I Do” the other set says “Me Too”… interesting.

Alright, so how do you combat tarriffs or taxes… you need to spread your risk.  Think of a convenience store attached to a repair facility.  Each function has a different purpose, if it’s raining and no one is using the car wash, people will buy gasoline and stop inside for milk.  It may seem like a tiny thing, but regardless of weather there is something they can sell.

You need to do this too.

Regardless of X you need to make money.

Then there’s today’s conversation – it’s the infinity product convo. I was explaining that every business needs an infinity product… that regardless of what business you have, you need the product that consistently produces itself without lots of effort.

This could be a heat press that you use to create T shirts, a gym membership to your exercise equipment, or even a digital book that you sell online.

What ever it happens to be, add it.  This will also help you develop another revenue stream to… again spread your risk for things you can’t control!

So yes, profit centers and tariff’s go together quite nicely.

Today – figure out which profit centers you have and ask how they help to spread your risk!  Then think about what infinity product as a profit center you can add to again, help spread your risk.



Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Big Cash Small Change”!

PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
Free Gift:  Here’s a FREE guide to show MY results from using Infinity! 


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

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