Quote: “Go the Extra mile, it’s NEVER crowded”
Tuesday: Content and Consistency
Content is typically thought of as the words you speak or write… but then again we have photos so content doesn’t have to contain words.
So does content tell a story? It can, but you can also create content that causes a vote… I mean, what else is a survey!
Your content is completely subjective and it’s about connection. It could be through music or video. There are lots of ways to create the connection you desire.
So what about your packaging. Does packaging qualify as content.
Let me answer that with a question, have you ever seen an “unboxing”?
OH my we’ve actually created a word to describe the act of opening a package.
If there’s a word, you better pay attention to it. So YES packaging is content, and it can create content.
The big difference you have over is this… you can create a personal connection via your packaging. Your vibe will translate through your thank you note, stickers, stuffing.
Amazon has that smile on the outside of the box, but typically nothing vibe worthy on the inside.
Therefore…this is an area you can knock your customers socks off! I mean… here’s the deal… Amazon is affecting your pricing, you might as well capitalize on your vibe. It will help with your return customers… I mean Infinity Customers!
Include a treat, a small momento, it could be a piece of candy, a rubber duck, a key chain. It should not be expensive, it does not need to be a logo based item, but it must evoke your vibe.
Could you imagine if you sold movie memorabilia and inside the shipping box you included a bag of microwave popcorn with your thank you note? That would be so cool!
I don’t have an online store associated with our marina. I had one around 2006… but if it were open right now, I’d include a thank you note and a smile face beach ball. Why? Our city has a smile face on the water tower and you can see the smile face on your way to our marina via the water! AND it’s something you can use on the boat.
The smile face beach ball evokes emotion, becomes a vibe, and causes people to talk… it becomes your “no words needed” content. If you include a hashtag sign in the box you’ll also receive social interaction. Again, more content! Gosh, this makes me want to open an online store for the boat yard!
Go the extra mile and think about what you can do as you expand your view of content!
Tomorrow… come back for my episode “Midweek Motivation”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
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Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review