Monday Topic: Credibility —
Quote: “Good People bring out the good in other people”
Three visual ways to increase your credibility, quickly… sort of.
The first C of our 5C’s to the Infinity Marketing Machine is credibility. The purpose of credibility is to build trust with your tribe.
Just like people want to do business with people… they only want to do business with people they trust.
Now, if you are face-to-face you have an opportunity to pick up the vibe of the person in front of you… that’s where the internet has an issue.
When you’re on a screen… no one can pick up a vibe. I guess that’s not entirely true, if you have a video you can often get a sample of someone’s personality… but there’s also a better way to increase that credibility with customers.
It’s via Awards, Accreditations, and Testimonials.
Starting with Awards… is it nice to tell you that I had a 28% increase in sales when I implemented an online reservation system for our pontoon boats… OR is it better to know that I won a competition called “Best Profit Center Idea” from the International Marina and Boat Yard Conference?
The latter – the reservation system was my entry… but being recognized by an external third party adds huge credibility that others can trust.
Therefore, get out there and start competing for awards. Start with local awards and strive for larger and larger accomlishments!
Next are Accreditations. Yes, there are those you need… for example I’m AIS certified. Aquatic Invasive Species trained… it’s a certification we need to have to work on the lake. But, then there are the certifications that separate you. I’m currently beginning training for a Master Marketer certification. Cool right?
So keep your look out for new certifications for your business AND for you personally, all of these programs enhance your knowledge base and benefit your customers along with your credibility.
Finally, testimonials…
Yes, ask for them! It’s a great idea. I know I use them when I’m buying something unfamiliar. It’s always a great way to hear how something benefited someone else. Get out there and ask current customers for their honest words. It makes for a great opportunity to have a nice interaction with your tribe.
Credibility is needed online, it helps you build a bond when someone has no clue who you are… remember, people like to do business with people… so provide that proof you’re a good one!
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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