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Enjoy Going the Dentist! ProfitCenterCoach.com – Episode 427

5- Friday - Big Money Blog content build relationships Content Customers dentist marketing do social media the right way infinity customer infinity marketing machine marketing Real world small business owner tips Success tips ugly tie contest

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” – Milton Berle

Friday: Big Money Small Change

I love when fun things pop up on my Facebook feed.   This one just arrived and I just needed to share it with you.

It’s the perfect example of what you can and should do with your social media.

Do you like going to the dentist?  Well… read this post!  It’s not about tooth cleaning, or root canals, or even cosmetic care.

It’s about the personal relationship a dentist and a long term client have.


Wouldn’t you want to be so excited to visit your dentist that you planned your visit by picking the ugliest tie you owned… AND have your dentist play along by also wearing an ugly tie?

What a fun business!

Learn from this post – it’s a brilliant way to feed the top of your Infinity Marketing Machine. You create posts like this that showcase your infinity customer without saying — this is John, he has been coming to our office for X number of years, look at his smile.  NO!  They tell an interesting story about how much a customer enjoys coming to their office.

You can do this, too!   It’s a small change in the way you frame a message that will bring bring long term relationships…and that means big money!

Thanks for reading… If you like my vibe, subscribe to my tribe!  start here


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