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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 919 – Buy Three… Get My Tip for Free!

6- Saturday - Try This! Business owner motivation buy three get one free Create an infinity product Creative doing infinity DoingInfinity doinginfinity.com how promotions can increase sales marketing Real world small business blog small business blogger Success tips Tribe Building

Saturday Blog Topic: Try This!

Look at this promotion…. buy three and get one free! 

But wait…

The “one” is an unrelated product.  It’s a product that’s not even attached in the box of soda.

This is something you can do! 

When you run a promotion have you ever considered adding an infinity product

What’s an infinity product?  An infinity product is something you create once and then it can be produced over and over without carrying inventory.

Our entire “TheEntrepreneurInMeSays.com” line is created via the Infinity Product model.

I’m also in progress on creating my newest “fast track” course titled InfinityProduct.com to teach

you how to get up and running in less than 60 minutes.  Make sure to join the wait list.

But let me get back to the Dr. Pepper Example… you can create this exact type of promotion by offering a buy three get a T free in your business… it could be a mug… it could be anything. 

We often think of the free thing as an additional “same” item… but this “T” promotion puts an entirely different spin on the promotion.

Try This!



Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Week in Review”!
PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine.  I call it #doinginfinity.  Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

Entrepreneur Gift Store at TheEntrepreneurInMeSays.com



Check our our Tribeology Entrepreneur Store at TheEntrepreneurInMeSays.com full of gifts and motivation items to “keep you going”.

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