Friday Blog Topic: Big Money Small Change –
Quote: “Thankful people are Happy!”
Instagram is a great way to show off the items you offer for sale… I mean, look at this great desk!

Take another look at it…
Now read the caption.
It’s NOT for sale! It easily could be a product photo shot – but instead it’s a Thank You!
A thank you not for someone giving to them as a gift… it’s a thank you to the movers who they paid money for and did not need to give a “shout out” to – but they did! They wanted to thank the company that moved the desk.
Thank the people that serve you…
Speaking of serving… the writer mentioned they never could have done it without the movers because it’s a heavy desk. The movers served her, sure she paid, but the overwhelming gratitude for having her desk placed in this spot of her studio thrilled her!
What’s the take away? Why am I mentioning it?
Do you like this person, even if you have no idea what their business is… they are thankful, polite, and HAPPY.
If you love this you will be attracted to this tribe.
SO… although they did not plan this as a tribe building post – it was just created because the writer was genuinely thankful, but a post like this has the ability to be a tremendous tribe building tool.
Get out there and get your happy on!
Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Try This”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine. I call it #doinginfinity. Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.
Tribeology: Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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